Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Full Moon in Leo

This one is just in time for freaking Valentine's Day, brilliant! Around 11:50 pm (GMT) on the 14th February. By that time of night everybody should be all liquored up and ready for some drama. 

And it looks pretty dramatic all right! I think we should listen to some L7 to get in the right mood for this one. 

"So you wanna have some fun? Well break out the big guns!" 


It looks like that kind of full moon. Lines could get crossed. People could flip out and break out the big guns. Especially if they feel slighted or unappreciated...things could get ugly. 

Of course, it could also be this kind of full moon, if you're lucky:

Or this:

But I think this is equally likely:

Anyway, what's the story here?

The sun in cold, rational Aquarius is facing off against a romantic, fiery, attention-hungry full moon in Leo. Like so:

Well, what do you think the dialogue here is going to be like? Probably a little stilted, it's safe to assume. Plenty of mutual incomprehension.

Wires could get crossed, with a retrograde Mercury in Aquarius conjunct the sun - this is real glitchy, communications-wise. Expect your phone to conk out just before you text to say where you're gonna meet your hot date. Or you meet your hot date even though your car's radiator just exploded and then you start hiccuping too hard to hold a conversation...or the lights go out in the cinema, mid awkward romcom. Or you realize he/she is actually from another planet and it's time to beam back up to the starship but your transponder is on the blink...

Yep. If you are actually able to sit and converse like a normal human (whatever the hell that means), uninterrupted by glitchy tech shit and shocks and general weirdness... you'll be doing pretty well.

But then you get to the real hurdles.

A moon in Leo craves attention, romance and fun. It's a party moon. But this Leo moon is disposited (and opposed) by the sun in Aquarius, which is not exactly a party sun.

And Saturn in Scorpio is involved, squaring the sun, Mercury and the moon. This means it's actually NO GODDAMN FUN at all. Everything feels too heavy for fun. Emotions are heavy, communication is heavy (and difficult), intentions are heavy, the weight of the past is heavy...

And Venus is still conjunct Pluto in Capricorn; still in cardinal t-square formation with Jupiter in Cancer and Uranus in Aries. Love is heavy. Building a viable future is heavy. Relating honestly is heavy. Being true to yourself and trying to be true to the demands of a relationship at the same time is heavy. Unexpressed rage is heavy. All the shitty things we've done to each other are heavy; our collective baggage around relationships is heavy. The imbalances and injustices that go along with traditional gender relations are heavy.

More L7 - I feel like we need them for this. (Off "Bricks Are Heavy", ha.)

People are likely to be feeling blocked-off, unseen, unheard and undervalued in their relationships, and liable to vent explosively.

(More fight music!)

A defining feature of this full moon: the north node (an eclipse-point signifying the 'slant' of the whole story) will be at 0 degrees Scorpio. This is the last lunation we'll have with the north node in Scorpio for 18 years or so. And Saturn in Scorpio will be squaring the moon and the sun, as we've seen.

So there is a heavy, fateful, Scorpionic emphasis to this full moon. Scorpio, remember, is about death and rebirth. Transformation. Amputation of what's dead or rotten so that new life can grow.

And bearing in mind that full moons are about things coming to light, culminations, endings...and we have Saturn (karma) aspecting this one...this full moon is actually very serious. No matter how many silly Spock pix I may post, please bear in mind that this is actually a big deal!

We've had a year and a half of the north node in Scorpio. A year and a half to examine the energy imbalances in our lives, the power games, the decayed rotten collective patterns of relating. A year and a half to focus on the dark shadow stuff that we'd all rather pretend doesn't exist...but with Saturn in Scorpio as well, there's no sweeping the dirt back under the rug. If we've done our work, we know the worst now, about ourselves and others and the kind of world we live in...and there's no way back.

No way back... I mean, it's actually impossible, once you've seen the corruption inherent in a particular dynamic (whether it's a family, relationship, job, political system or whatever) to go back and relate to it in the same old way. You transform it if you can; you walk away from it and create something new if you can. But once you've really seen into what's happening and how deep the rot goes...you have to act upon that knowledge. The imperative of Scorpio is survival. You do not hang around and allow yourself to be poisoned.

If the rotten dynamic is something happening in yourself, it's just as stark. You have to cut it out already. Addictions, toxic relationships, destructive delusions. Fears and insecurities, unquestioned assumptions, culturally mandated attitudes, ego games....

You know what form the rot takes in you and you know what you have to do.

The north node shifts to Libra - sign of relationship, social harmony and justice - on the 18th February, straight into a conjunction with Mars in Libra. There is a tremendous drive for right relationship embodied in this shift.

But before you can move towards fairness and balance in your relationships, you have to get rid of what's rotten. That means weeding out your own self-destructive behaviours and attitudes, and not putting up with crap from others. Refusing to carry other peoples' garbage for them. Refusing to stay in dynamics in which you're not being met halfway.

Mars in Libra will be harmoniously aspecting the sun, Mercury and the moon for this full moon, which is nice. If you remember that your goal is ultimately to relate with fairness and decency and to have balanced, just relationships...it should give you the energy and drive to stop doing what you know is no good for you.

And the sun and Mercury in Aquarius, disposited by Uranus in Aries, mean that there is clarity and mental detachment available here, as well as a burning drive for personal authenticity at any cost.

On personal authenticity at any cost: this person is an object lesson. And the song fits these skies...


  1. This is such an interesting and fun interpretation. Thanks for doing the hard work!

  2. It's not such hard work, it's mostly fun! Let's see what actually happens. :)x
