Friday, April 19, 2019

Full Moon in Libra

This is exact today, the 19th April, at about noon.

It's our second full moon in Libra this year. The last was a month ago at 0 degrees of the sign, and this one is at 29 degrees, the very last degree. And between these bookending full moons in the sign of “we”, we've had a zinger of a new moon in Aries, the sign of “me”.

“Me vs we” is the sort of tension we've been dealing with for the past month, and this full moon is a culmination of that tension. The harmony-seeking, relationship-oriented Libra moon opposes the sun in go-it-alone Aries, and the sun is also conjunct Uranus in Taurus, an influence for change and revolution.

So basically weare looking at this drive to disrupt everything that binds us and bust loose, contrasted with the need to maintain important relationships. Some old associations will be ending abruptly about now, and new ones will be springing to life just as abruptly. Some relationships will require an injection of raw honesty in order to survive, but some may not be able to survive it. The ones that do survive will be the ones that are able to adapt to radical change.

How do you maintain a relationship when all your values around it have changed and you can't just go through the same old motions anymore? What would it mean to be truly authentic, to say what you feel and ask for what you want? Would it be the end of the relationship or a new start? These are the sort of issues likely to come up.

Try to be aware of what you're projecting onto the other and to own your own anger and desire – with Libra there is often a drive to “make nice”, at the expense of authenticity, and projection can be used as a mechanism for deflecting unpleasant emotions. That's not what we want to be doing here – you have to own your bullshit.

And there's plenty of it! Saturn and Pluto are 3 degrees apart on the south node in Capricorn, meaning old issues around authority, boundaries and respect are likely to be surfacing in your life. These will directly feed into any relationship issues you may be experiencing. There are deep psychological patterns and belief systems underlying the kinds of interpersonal relationships we get into, and these will be coming up for examination at this time. Don't try to brush them back under the rug – look at them. What assumptions and beliefs got you into the mess you're currently in, and do they hold up under scrutiny?

Watch what you say – Mercury is in Aries and conjunct Chiron, and Jupiter is sending a square from Sagittarius. Meaning words can be very wounding at this time and the repercussions of hurtful speech may be larger than intended. If you want to maintain harmony in your relationships, some tact will be required! There is an imperative for brutal honesty, but sometimes it's only necessary to be brutally honest with yourself.

On the other hand, if you want to end a relationship, it will be easy to do so using this cutting honesty. But there are ripple effects to this kind of thing that extend beyond the immediate relationship – most relationships don't exist in isolation, they are part of a network. Be mindful of those ripple effects.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

New Moon in Aries

This is tomorrow morning, the 5th April, around 10:15 am GMT.

A new moon symbolizes a new start, and Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, all about the self in its rawness and immediacy. It is ruled by Mars, planet of desire, drive and aggression.

So basically this is a great time to get serious about who you authentically are (outside of social niceties) and what you really want. And to get moving toward it.

Blockages and limitations are present, though. The sun and moon in Aries are squaring Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, and it may feel like what you want will require the labours of Hercules  to achieve, or a miracle. But Aries is warrior energy, so you just have to keep on going and keep on fighting. It's a “hero's journey” kind of scenario – and you don't get to be a hero by running from what scares you, or focusing only on what's easy and makes you feel good, or refusing to acknowledge the summons to change your life.

Our clusterfuck of a Mercury retrograde is over as of the 29th March, thank goodness. Mercury is still conjunct Neptune in Pisces, which means your brain may still be a bit underwater - but that conjunction (involving Venus in Pisces as well) is beneficially aspecting Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. All this speaks of a profound spiritual dimension to this new moon – the “call to adventure” in your hero's journey may come as a summons from your deepest, truest self. Trust your intuition to guide you in the right direction, and pay special attention to your dreams at this time – they are certain to contain important messages for you. These messages won't be the kind that require much analysis, as you'll understand the meaning in your bones. If you're analyzing and second-guessing and worrying over what they mean (quite likely with Mars in frenetic Gemini), you're on the wrong track.

Relationships figure heavily this month despite the “me first” emphasis of Aries. This is to be expected with Uranus in Taurus shaking up our values around relationships. Our sense of the inauthenticity of certain social arrangements is likely to be heightened. There may be an urge to break away and go it alone.

And then as if to drive this relationship emphasis home, we get a second full moon in Libra, sign of relationships. This is on the 19th April and it will underscore the importance but also the difficulty of relationships; the need to maintain personal autonomy, authenticity and space within them. It could be a real “come here / leave me alone” vibe. Or remain vs. no deal, if you're following the endlessly crazy Brexit. Ultimately it looks like some balance has to be found between being true to ourselves and maintaining our important relationships (however annoying they may be). No one can go it entirely alone.