Friday, January 31, 2014

Mercury in Pisces and Venus Direct

Mercury entered Pisces today (31st Feb), hours before Venus goes direct tonight. And the moon will be moving from detached Aquarius into sensitive, impressionable Pisces to conjunct Mercury and then Neptune in Pisces...that's tomorrow afternoon (Feb 1st). And then she's moving on to hit Chiron in Pisces later tomorrow evening.

This gives a wistful, wounded emotional tone to the weekend...the ghosts of what could have been (but will not be now) might take a while to dissipate.

You'll know what regarding love and money matters is real and what's a mirage with Venus direct, and you'll be ready to move on. But there is definitely some sensitivity involved here; some last dream-tendrils to break free of; some grieving.

Well you can't move on without leaving something behind, right? And good-byes can be hard...

Mercury will be in Pisces till the 7th of February, turning retrograde just conjunct Neptune in Pisces. And then he will move back towards rational Aquarius, re-entering the sign on the 13th February, conjunct the sun. Just in time for Valentine's Day and a full moon in Leo - I'm thinking this looks like a good thing. You will hopefully be able to review love and money matters with a big measure of detachment and emotional control after Mercury re-enters Aquarius.

Anyway I think these currents are all about dreams and reality and how they intersect. Mercury in Pisces (and conjunct Neptune) is visionary, imaginative, creative, poetic...also often vague and wooly-headed, distractable, inarticulate. It's about intuition and the difficulties involved in translating intuitive knowledge into language or action.

I guess it's safe to say that with Mercury in Pisces you'll be able to see the issues at work in your life in a larger, transpersonal context, and hopefully have some sort of intuitive understanding of what's happening and what it all means, even if you can't necessarily articulate it.

--This is a very good influence for artists and musicians, who should be able to squeeze a lot of creative inspiration from it.

As Mercury retrogrades and moves back through rational Aquarius, you'll get a chance to reformulate your intuitions and put them into a logical framework. To marry your dreams to rationality and to a concrete vision for the future.

It's about practical idealism: finding out which of your dreams are actually attainable.

Be careful with alcohol and drugs over the next week, and especially this weekend - Mercury-Neptune is a real mental head-fuck even without them, but with them you can get really scrambled. And with the cardinal t-square in effect, things are tense: you will want to keep your wits about you as much as you can.

But overall this looks like a dreamy, sensitive, somewhat weepy, but imaginative and romantic influence. A chance to just feel what you feel, after the cold-hearted Aquarius new moon. And to transcend your feelings and imagine what would be the best next course of action...not just for you but for the grand scheme of things, if you get my drift.

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