Tuesday, July 2, 2019

New Moon in Cancer

This is today, the 2nd July, at about 8:15 pm GMT.

The sun and moon are close to the north node in Cancer, meaning this is a solar eclipse - a more intense than usual new beginning in the Cancerian realm of emotions, roots, family stuff, your sense of home. Your inner, emotional life should be the focus for the next month, along with your relationships with family and with what constitutes "home" to you.

Saturn and Pluto are still conjunct at the south node, which means plenty of stuff you don't want to look at will be coming up from the depths. You might as well just look at it. Maybe it isn't trying to hurt you this time - maybe it was never trying to hurt you. Just to be seen.

We have a Mercury retrograde this month, running from the 7th July till the 31st. The usual Mercury retrograde cautions re. travel difficulties, appliance failures and miscommunication apply. The risk of these kinds of difficulties is currently heightened as Mercury is conjunct Mars in Leo and squaring Uranus. Sudden accidents are more likely at this time - be careful driving and around machinery. And try not to let your ego run your mouth, there's just too much firepower here and people will get hurt.

Big mental breakthroughs are also possible at this time. With the sun and moon conjunct the north node in Cancer, something new is coming into the world, and you should go to meet it.

And with Saturn and Pluto on the south node, something old has reached the end of the line. Whatever form this takes in your life, something might be grinding on, persistent as hell - but you know in your heart it's done for.

Like this blog, which I've kept going out of habit, despite wanting to stop writing it for a few months now. I began it exactly six years ago, and it's been an interesting discipline and sometimes a lot of fun! But it's time to stop.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my astrological meanderings - I hope they've been of use to you. I will remain available for chart, I Ching and tarot readings at clock.arrietty@gmail.com.


  1. Very sad to see this blog go. I'm an avid reader. Thank you for the posts. X

    1. Ditto :( I’ve come to rely on the advice in this blog, especially since the last three eclipse phases hammered my nodal axis like an earthquake that measures 10 on the Richter scale.

      I am wondering where to turn to for the upcoming Saturn Pluto conjunction early next year. I am a student of astrology but nowhere in the league of the author of this blog.

      What about you Katie? Any other blogs you like ? (I haven’t found one that was as on point as this one)

  2. Really sad to see this blog come to an end. You helped me stay alive in 2016 when I was very very actively suicidal (remember the advice you gave to Pisces in the Second half of the year? It really kept me going!).

    I’m especially sad because your blog on the moon phases is probably the most accurate that I have found online . I am not entirely sure what I’m going to do leading up to the Saturn Pluto conjunction In 2020. I was hoping you would have some wise counsel as always to share leading up to it.

    Thank you For all the work you’ve put into this blog. You may not have known it, as some people like me are very disinclined To comment online at all, but you have probably helped more people than you realise. Thank you for helping me save my own life and giving me hope that one of the worst years of my life would pass.

    I wish you good luck, and I really hope that someday you will change your mind and decide to give this blog another go. You truly have a gift for interpreting the moon phases like no one else online!

    Oh boy, this is going to be weird for me, I feel slightly adrift. But this eclipse phase yesterday is trine my natal Jupiter by less than a degree, so maybe after a decade of severe physical and emotional woes (including being bedridden, abused, traumatised, isolated) - all the hard work I put into staying alive and working on myself is about to pay off. Sure hope so :)

    Thanks for being part of my journey stranger! Namaste from India. (Nice work with the Shammi Kapoor reference, that had me giggling heheh!)

  3. You know i love your work. i respect you deciding to stop doing something you don't want to do anymore. love always - Anna
