Sunday, August 6, 2017

Full Moon Eclipse in Aquarius

Eugenia Loli

This is tomorrow, the 7th August, around 7 pm GMT.

It's a zappy one. Expect to be shocked – or at the very least, surprised. Rapid turnarounds, unexpected reversals, lightning clarity and unexpected revelations are likely.

Also confrontations between the individual (Leo) vs. the group (Aquarius). It's a good time to break free of the social network and do your own thing – or to use your anger and conviction to shift social dynamics toward something more progressive.

It's also a great time for going public with creative work, or doing something brave in the public eye. Stepping out of the box and taking a stand for something you believe in, because fuck it, what have you got to lose?

Aquarius is rebel energy. For this full moon, the moon in Aquarius will be facing off against Mars conjunct the sun in Leo, which is warrior energy: courage, conviction, amped-up ego, dramatic flair and showmanship.

Grandstanding and power plays are likely, and keep in mind that with Jupiter in Libra beneficially aspecting the sun, Mars and moon, there is big potential for overdoing things and going overboard. But if you strive to retain a sense of fairness, proportion and civility, you should be OK!

With this full moon – a partial lunar eclipse – we enter eclipse season, a time of intense, accelerated change. The prelude to this was Uranus stationing retrograde in warrior sign Aries on the 2nd August. Uranus, as ruler of Aquarius, is the dispositor of this full moon, and symbolises revolution. His direction change just prior to a lunar eclipse in his own sign speaks of a paradigm shift - an internal one, focused on our sense of self.

Plus Jupiter and Pluto squared off on the 4th August, their final square. This denotes a big, permanent shift in relationship dynamics.

So big shifts are afoot. This full moon is the point where they'll suddenly be all lit up and obvious. If you've been waiting to see some changes, here's your turning point – and it's likely to come with an abruptness and intensity which will jolt you. Something surprising is bound to come to light here. And as full moons symbolize endings, it may be time to break free or let go of something for good. (The cool, rational detachment of Aquarius should be helpful here.)

The next act in this drama of upheaval comes on the 21st August, with a big shiny total eclipse – our second new moon in Leo. That'll be a new start – a reboot.

With all this emphasis on Leo, remember the focus is on being true to yourself and your own heart, and doing what brings real joy into your life. If you're unhappy, you should definitely be asking yourself why these days, instead of stoically accepting your unhappiness. Something has to change, and it's time to find out what.

Helpfully we'll have a Mercury retrograde this month, beginning in Virgo on the 13th August. This will give us some space to analyse our lives in depth, mentally process the changes underway, and to fine-tune details and practical considerations. Amazingly, the retrograde ends on the 5th September with Mercury on the exact degree of the upcoming solar eclipse – 28 degrees Leo. So this retrograde is really a chance to get things right – to make sure our heads are working in concert with our hearts – in this context of big, heart-centred change.

There are important issues for relationships in all this, and also big decisions to be made about what we truly value. Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn on the 15th August, and this is a tough aspect – it's about love unto death or the death of love. This becomes a cardinal t-square with the intensifying influence of Jupiter in relationship-focused Libra, and it'll be in effect all through the middle of August.

Change is demanded here. Relationships will be taken to the next level or they'll end; commitments will be solidified or they'll fall apart. Money and power imbalances will be apparent, psychological control tactics will be exposed – and the willingness to deal with this painful, unpleasant stuff will make or break partnerships.

This gut-wrenching and difficult cardinal t-square ends just before the slate-clearing, hopeful, exciting solar eclipse in Leo on the 21st August. So however ugly things may get leading up to it, and whatever you lose, please remember that the point is to expose what's keeping us stuck and unhappy so we can make the necessary changes. If a situation is making you miserable, it has to change or be removed from your life, no matter how much you've invested in it. There are plenty of exciting new opportunities opening up, and the future can be entirely unlike what has gone before. But first you have to free yourself from what is no longer viable.

After the eclipse, Saturn stations direct on the 24th August. Saturn and Uranus are co-rulers of Aquarius, and their direction-shifts (Uranus retrograde, Saturn direct) bookending this eclipse season are highly significant. In addition, they're part of this summer's grand fire trine, which also involves the north node in Leo.

The theme here, as I've said, is making changes in your life – likely radical ones – that will allow you to build a solid, viable, happy future. Happiness is key. So if you've been ignoring the causes of your discontent, this full moon eclipse is an opportunity to see what's going on with lightning clarity – and to shift course if you're on a course that leads nowhere.

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