Sunday, March 26, 2017

New Moon in Aries

This is on Wednesday the 28th March, around 4 am GMT.

There's a lot of pep in it! We have a stellium in Aries, sign of birth and raw energy: the sun and moon, plus Venus, Mercury and Uranus.

New moons signify new beginnings, and Aries is the start of the whole zodiac – the kickoff point. So a new moon in Aries is always a fiery new beginning, and a great time to set your intentions for the year ahead.

What do you really want, going forward? Where is your desire leading you? What's of value to you; where do you find your happiness?

It might take a bit of radical honesty with yourself to find out, and please be aware that there might be some major hurdles and blockages on the road toward it. There's a real need for caution and looking before you leap here: Venus is retrograde, Saturn will be retrograde as of next week, and we are also headed into a Mercury retrograde – and all these retrogrades have to do with clarifying our desires and values before heading off into uncharted territory. A radically new direction is called for, but that doesn't mean you can just shoot off heedlessly. You'll have to think about what you really want and lay in some practical foundations for the new life you want to build.

So it's worth asking yourself: exactly what is driving you and where do you want to be going? Where would you like to be this time next year? What practical measures will you need to put in place now so you can get there?

The new moon will be at 7 degrees Aries with retrograde Venus in Aries conjunct at 3 degrees. Venus is about what we love and value – so this really is all about desire.

But with Venus retrograde till mid-April, getting what we want is not so straightforward, and will likely involve some soul-searching and adjustment. Venus retrograde is not a time to rush after anything. It is more a time for careful reconsideration of what we actually love and value – especially re. relationships and money. Planning and long-term thinking are called for here. (And please hold back on major purchases until she stations direct on the 15th April!)

For this new moon, we'll also have Mercury conjunct Uranus in Aries (exact 26th March) – this is about new ideas, shocking information and communication, radical and abrupt departures from the status quo, sudden brilliant clarity. It might be that what you once valued no longer means a damn to you, or people / scenarios you've invested in prove not to have been worth your energy. Whatever form this takes for you, the value-shift will be brought home with abrupt force – and the necessity of figuring out what makes YOU happy instead of rushing around pleasing others will be highlighted.

All this Aries energy is very fierce and impatient, but it is currently disposited by Mars in Taurus, which grounds the reckless forward drive and stabilises things. This is useful! With Venus in Mars-ruled Aries, and Mars in Venus-ruled Taurus, we are looking at a very beneficial mutual reception between primal desire and pragmatism. New ventures and relationship / money prospects can be undertaken with patience, realism and an eye to the long-term.

We also have a Mercury retrograde in Taurus coming on the 9th April. Again, this is about pragmatism and rethinking our love / money / values – it really is a huge theme this month. Mercury will station direct on the 3rd May, conjunct Uranus... So this retrograde has to do with new directions opening up, followed by a period of  practical consideration, and later, resolution / insight.

Give yourself time to process new ideas and information this month – don't rush into new commitments until you've thought slowly and deliberately about the practicalities involved. Be content with slow, incremental progress. And remember, you definitely don't want to be finalising anything or signing contracts until after Venus stations direct in mid-April. Hold off.

For this new moon, we also have retrograde Jupiter in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (exact 30th March). Again, this speaks of a deep restructuring of our value systems, especially around love and money. There is a need for fairness and reciprocity in our dealings with others, and it will be pretty obvious when that need isn't being met: it's harder than usual these days to maintain relationships based on unbalanced power or energy dynamics. Jupiter in Libra wants a fair exchange, and Pluto in Capricorn intensifies this into an issue of resources and survival. You have to be getting back something equivalent to what you're giving, otherwise it's an unsustainable drain on your resources.

It's not exactly a recipe for light social interaction. And let's not forget, Jupiter in Libra is stressed to the max right now. He is part of a cardinal t-square involving Mercury, Uranus and Pluto. It's pretty hard to stay even-tempered and civil under these circumstances – our politeness and forbearance with others will be severely tested, especially as we head up to the full moon in Libra on the 11th April.

Another test: Saturn will station retrograde on the 5th April, in square to Venus and Chiron in Pisces. This looks quite painful – there's a real sense of poverty and loss here. What we most want will feel desperately out-of-reach, and this sense of deprivation will be in effect till the end of the month.

But after that, the Saturn retrograde brings us to a much sunnier place: we will have a grand fire trine between Saturn, Uranus in Aries and the north node (which moves to Leo in early May). This is a big energy shift, and it will hold for much of the rest of this year – an easy flow between creativity, self-determination and new visions for the future. Brilliant ideas, amazing new options, and we will NOT be doing the same old shit again, no thanks!

So there's a new world under construction, kicking off under this new moon in Aries. Just keep in mind that things don't always work out as fast as expected or stay within the budget. There will be severe blockages, and these will be pretty apparent over the next month. But they're not going to be around forever - a shift is coming. And for now, blockage will give you a chance to lay in some careful groundwork.

Remember anything worth building takes time and consideration. Patience is a virtue, have it if you can. With so much Aries in the sky, patience will be hard to come by! But it's absolutely necessary this month. However edgy and impatient you may feel, you can't rush this kind of major change.

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