Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Summer Solstice and Second Full Moon in Sagittarius

This is on the 20th June, exact around noon GMT.

It's our second full moon in Sagittarius this year – the first was on the 21st May, at the early degrees of the sign. This one is at the final degree. The final, or anarectic, degree of a sign is where all its energy is concentrated. So this thing is fraught to begin with. Plus a moon in Sagittarius inflates emotion, for good or ill.

Plus it's a full moon, and those are intense. Plus it falls at the summer solstice, the height of summer. Plus we are looking at a nerve-wracking mutable grand cross during this, and Saturn squaring Neptune, which is all about reality dissolving under our feet.

All in all, it looks extremely tense – the culmination of a crazy, jangled-up month. Mental concerns are highlighted. Issues around communication, mental overload, truth vs. falsity, manipulation of reality, and reliability of information take center stage.

How fried do you feel right now? Do you feel like you're tripping?

How mentally exhausted are you? How much of a mess is your brain? How many little irritations are being thrown at you? How crazy are the people around you acting? How crazy are you feeling? How hard is it to know true from false or even what the hell is actually going on anymore?

There is so much stressful stuff happening in the sky right now, and our minds especially are under fire. And under this full moon, the mental strain and information overload are coming to a head. If you can avoid nervous exhaustion / collapse, you're doing well.

I think the key to getting through this lies with Jupiter conjunct the north node in Virgo. This conjunction will be exact for the full moon and solstice. It is all about keeping a grip on humble, everyday reality and the tasks that must be done. This focus on small stuff, necessary details, health, routine and service to others is immensely beneficial and grounding right now.

Another key is Mars in Scorpio, retrograde till the 30th June. This is a very sharp knife, in terms of intuition. Also the ability to cut ties that are energetically harmful or toxic. It can be pretty ruthless - but if you feel drained and depleted by certain interactions, or you have a sense of being lied to, trust your gut instinct.

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