Tuesday, May 27, 2014

New Moon in Gemini

This is on Wednesday the 28th May, around 7:45 GMT. The sun and moon will be conjunct at 7 degrees Gemini. Sparkly, hyperactive, hyper-communicative Gemini!

This is a breath of fresh air after all the intensities of the cardinal grand cross. Some fun, finally.

Plus, Mars is finally moving forward again in Libra, after months of lousy retrograde motion! Things are coming unstuck. Time to go out and party and network and generally jitter around like a crazy thing.

News, messages, gossip, communications...you can expect a bunch of that. I've written about Gemini here if you want to refresh yourself. It's a fun sign. Light and jumpy and adaptable, which is a relief. I've had about enough of heavy. I don't feel like writing ANYTHING else about heavy.

OK, but needless to say, more heavy is coming. Mid to late June, Mars is headed for cardinal t-square territory with Uranus and Pluto, and things get all fraught and dangerous and intense again for a while.

I don't want to think about it now, thanks! Let's just watch some Sparkle Motion.

Aaargh, that ending is NOT FUN! Let's forget all about it!!

Well that's the kind of scenario you could be looking at here. Neptune (dreams, delusions, lies) is heavily involved with this new moon. It exactly squares it from 7 degrees Pisces. Plus Mercury, ruler of Gemini, is trining Neptune in Pisces from the last degree of Gemini.

Gemini is pretty flexible with the truth, and Neptune fogs it out altogether. So while there may be plenty of information swirling around, figuring out what's true and what's false might be a tough business. Paying attention to unpleasant facts might be a tough business too.

This can go two ways, I think, because Neptune has two guises and is all illusion.

Either you are dealing with lies and delusions, your own or other peoples: misinformation, deception, confusion, propaganda, general bullshit.

Or you might find yourself inspired, intuitive, creative...channeling the ethereal realms and whatnot.

Maybe both at the same time. ''Lying, the telling of beautiful untrue things, is the proper aim of Art'', per Oscar Wilde.

Or Yeats in "The Circus Animals Desertion", making much the same point, in a more elaborate and disillusioned way.

Those masterful images because complete
Grew in pure mind, but out of what began?
A mound of refuse or the sweepings of a street,
Old kettles, old bottles, and a broken can,
Old iron, old bones, old rags, that raving slut
Who keeps the till. Now that my ladder's gone,
I must lie down where all the ladders start
In the foul rag and bone shop of the heart. 

This is a good new moon for masterful images growing out of pure mind – for poetic licence; beautiful lies. Finding your personal mythos via art.

Don't forget the imperfect reality all art and mythology is based on though....otherwise you court massive disillusion. Like poor old Yeats, looking back at his work at the end of his life and seeing a circus, all tinsel and bullshit.

Neptune has to do with idealization, and idealization can be so beautiful and dreamy that we forget how dangerous it is. Putting people on pedestals is never a good idea. It leads to ugly power dynamics. It's a denial of reality, in which nobody is perfect...and when reality asserts itself after the dream ends, life looks bleak and degraded: a foul rag and bone shop.

Neptune is about drugged-out bliss and the channeling of ethereal realms. It is also the hangover when that state departs. It's about the dissolution of personal boundaries to let in the divine, but also the dis-illusion that follows.

I guess you don't really get one without the other. You don't get the ethereal realms and fairy lights without the return to reality, and having to do the dishes and take the garbage out.

Anyway, with this new moon so wound up with Neptunian energy, expect new endeavors to be quite unclear and maybe too good to be true. Read the fine print. Be prepared for confusion and disillusion...try not to get in over your head.

And as always with Neptunian energy, beware of psychoactive substances. They can be portals to the divine, and they can also screw your head up completely, and render you gullible and vulnerable.

Overloaded mental circuits, scatty thinking and brain fog are also very likely. Maybe make sure you have some time away from people and their endless chatter...you might need a bit of solitude in which to mentally regroup.

Did I start this out by saying this new moon looked fun?!! And now I'm talking about danger and overload...

Well you know, this is sort of an illustration of how Neptune works. The sirens promise pleasure and then devour you...It takes some heroic self-possession to keep a clear head while they're spinning their beautiful bullshit.

Anyway, warnings aside, the new moon does look fun and sociable, and kind of higgeldy-piggeldy with new developments and interactions. Like the Tarot card for the 2 of Pentacles.

Everything kinda topsy-turvy and changeable...but not in a bad way. Just there's a lot of juggling involved. You can see how keeping a clear head becomes difficult with this level of distraction.

So to sum up...enjoy this new moon because it's pretty light compared to what we've been experiencing, and there's some more tension and difficulty ahead. Maybe start some new creative or artistic project...something lovely and dreamy, that doesn't rely too heavily on logic!

Just don't believe anybody's hype, not even your own, because you can find yourself deluded and befuddled all to hell pretty fast. Try to keep a clear head and watch out for the substances. They might be more fun that usual right now...but also more dangerous.

Let's listen to some Bollywood. These energies remind me of Bollywood: dreamy and romantic, hyper and dancey at the same time. More fun than will ever be humanly possible! Completely disconnected from reality...but this is the sort of illusion that makes life worth living.

I could just keep posting Bollywood videos forever. Better stop now, before the sirens of Bollywood devour my brain. Very dangerous stuff!

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