Monday, April 28, 2014

New Moon Eclipse in Taurus

(Bovines in motion)

This is on the 29th April, around 7:15 am (GMT). It is still in eclipse territory: a partial solar eclipse.   Eclipses are powerful, even if partial...and this one comes just as April's amazing cardinal grand cross wanes in intensity.

Remember new moons represent new starts. We've been through some chaos this month and it's going to be around for a while yet. But this new moon represents something solid to hold onto: a rock in a stormy sea.

Maybe it's the rock of complete disillusionment and loss...or maybe it is some kind of bedrock faith in life and in your own ability to persevere. Maybe it's thought, communication or information that lays a complex situation bare, so you'll know what's actually possible and what's not. Hopefully you'll know what you have to work with from here on in, and plans will begin to be solidified.

I think it looks quite internal, subdued and very deep and solid. The sun and moon will be conjunct Mercury in slow, stable Taurus, and they will be beneficially aspecting Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto – so this is about thought and communication that is intuitive, profound, straightforward and emotionally steadying.

We can certainly use this. We're dealing with some very heavy and inescapable situations and revelations under the cardinal grand cross. This heaviness is represented by Saturn in Scorpio, which will be opposing Mercury in Taurus for the new moon. As May unfolds, the moon, Mercury and the sun will be opposed by Saturn (karma, limits) in their turn. This makes for a subdued, even depressed emotional tone - but it is also very practical and realistic. They say depressives see the world more clearly (see here ).

I am not advocating a depressive stance toward life, but there is some karma involved here that you can't whitewash away or outrun. You will just have to hunker down and work with it, even if it's hard. Radical change is the name of the game right now, and it's better to work with this energy than to resist it.

But before you can begin to work with it, you have to know exactly where you stand - and this is what you'll hopefully be getting some insight into right about now.

Because this new moon involves the Taurus – Scorpio axis, which has to do with money, possessions, energy, and personal and shared might be very important for you to take a good, hard look at where you stand financially. Money issues are likely to be very much at issue: you might be feeling totally broke, up to your eyeballs in debt, or trapped in situations where your efforts are not being adequately reimbursed. Between a rock and a hard place. This is pretty much the norm for most of the people on this planet, actually...but just because it's normal doesn't mean it's right. Something's gotta give, and you better make sure it's not your back.

On a less material level, money is just a form of energy. Scorpio has to do with energetic exchanges between people, so the issues you're dealing with may be interpersonal. Are you investing your life-energy in relationships where you get little or nothing back? Maybe it's time to look at exactly how you're selling yourself short. You deserve an adequate return on your emotional investments, and if you're not getting it, it's time to cut your losses and do something different.

Again, something's gotta give. If you're giving and giving and not getting what you need, well screw that.

(OK, let's play the song; it's fun! "So en garde, who knows what the fates might have in store, from their vast mysterious sky?")

Issues of self-worth are involved as well, and you can see how they link up with the money and relational stuff. How do you undervalue yourself, how do you settle for less than you're worth? How do you throw yourself away on people or situations that destabilize and drain you?

Taurus is about stability, self-esteem and personal resources. It's a fixed earth sign, the second sign in the zodiac. First you have Aries which is all edgy and impulsive: the raw new shoots fighting their way up out of the ground. Then, as the sun moves into Taurus, we see the established plants building their roots and fattening their leaves in the light. The weather stabilizes too. It's no longer the brink of a new season; spring is firmly rooted (in the northern hemisphere anyway). The new order has taken hold and it has momentum behind it, and vast patience.

Taurus is also about pleasure: simple earthly happiness. Flowers, good food, fine wine, soft pillows, physical comfort. It can be as placid and hedonistic as Ferdinand the bull, who was glad to lie around all day smelling flowers and never wanted to fight.

Taurus is easygoing and slow to start moving, but once set in motion, it is a force of nature. And it is also habitual and stubborn, resistant to change.

But what we are dealing with right now, courtesy of Uranus square Pluto and the cardinal grand cross, is change on a grand scale - like it or not. So there is some conflict built in here. It would be nice to be able to pretend everything is lovely as is and just keep doing what we've been doing, but I doubt that's really going to be an option for most people. Better to focus on moving your metaphoric cattle to new pastures.

(More bovines on the road. They are lovely!!)

To sum up, the story goes something like this: we are still caught in the crossfire of the cardinal grand cross, and a lot of things are being stripped from us, and a lot is being demanded of us. At the same time a lot of new possibilities are opening up. For many people this is quite literal and concrete. For others it's more internal – and I think you can count yourself lucky if you get to encounter this stuff on a more internal level, because plenty of people are reeling with the shock of outer events.

The point is, things are volatile and shifting fast. It can feel like being inside a pressure-cooker. And therefore this new moon in slow, steady Taurus is much-needed. It should provide some mental and emotional stability and an understanding of where to go from here. It's about laying a sturdy foundation for the changes you need to implement in your life. Knowing where you stand and where you want to go.

It's not about going back to the way things used to be, because you can't – but maybe you can harness the energy of change to set some new habits and patterns in motion. Hopefully they'll be ones that build you up and sustain you instead of depleting you.

Please don't try to be the immovable object standing in the way of an irresistible force! You're likely to get all busted up. Use the force.

PS, my friend Fran wrote this; it features a dialogue for the cardinal grand cross! Improv for planets...great stuff.

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