Sunday, July 28, 2013

Grand sextile

Yesterday's t-square: Christ it was ugly allright. For me anyway. Rotten old family dynamics, emotional manipulation, trauma, betrayal.

Jupiter, Mars & Mercury (big huge fighting words, emotionally wounding communication) all conjunct in Cancer, opposite Pluto in Capricorn (rotten societal structures), square Uranus in Aries (the individual need to be free & self-determined).

Why is family stuff so hard? Who are these crazy people we're bound to, & why? Why are our emotional triggers where they are; what is there to learn here?

I could say 'detachment', but these skies are not exactly about detachment. Not from where I'm standing anyway. They are about making the best of a bad deal & engaging with the difficulty of embodied existence. Engaging with painful dynamics you can't just wish yourself out of. Age-old, rage-old mind-games & head fucks; corruption & secrets. Societal, familial. These problems have deep roots and are not going to just disappear. They have to be addressed. But how?

Is it enough just to feel them? To feel the deep old trauma & turmoil; the powerlessness and rage, the constraint. Can that kind of acceptance (& surrender) actually heal?

I don't know about 'healing'. But today, the necessity of engaging with difficult, actual existence, as pictured in the heavens, becomes so profound. 2 grand trines, water & earth; sun square Saturn. Taurus moon. Yes it's heavy to BE. Yes it's constrained.  Venus still opposite Neptune & now Chiron: love hurts when the veil of illusion drops. But the truth, while it may not quite set you free, can be stabilising (Venus sextile Saturn). When the veil drops & you're down to bare rock, well that's somewhere firm to stand anyway. Bare rock.

It's the kind of sky where, if you try to detach and do your own thing and be your free-spirit self--you will encounter violent internal & external resistance. The next couple of days are about working within the limitations, feeling the feelings, staying grounded, staying diligent. Help and support are available if you can manage this. It's far from easy, especially for airy/fiery types--it's earthbound & heavy. But necessary, necessary. Look at the north node 7 degrees away from a conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio. This is not about frippery or fun--it's dead serious. Time to face the music; time to flay away the rotten, non-living, non-essential stuff; time to deal with your shit. Time to get real.

The thing to remember is, it's very temporary. The sun-Saturn square is only a few days' duration, and soon the sun will trine Uranus in Aries. And then the moon will join it in Leo for emotional support. And then (next week) you can shine.

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